How to Setting Up Aquarium

Buy Aquarium tanks of the desired size from the appropriate Aquarium supply store.

tropical freshwater fish aquarium

Preparing the Tank

Install the tank in the desired location. Next, wash the tank thoroughly with water and dry it. Fix background paper on the back of the tank. Connect the cable carefully to the terminal. Position the plates at different levels if you want to make multilevel pebbles. Attach the stone to Styrofoambases on the tank floor and place bog pieces to beautify the tank.

Adding pebbles

If using plants, add a few basic substrates purchased from Propershop. Wash the gravel thoroughly, using a strainer and a bucket. Use from existing tanks if possible, because they contain nitrifying bacteria. Put the filter in the tank and heater. Also, install an athermometer to monitor tank temperature.

Add water

Fill the tank slowly with water around 20-22 ° C, using a pipe. Point the water on the rock, so it doesn't disturb the gravel. Enter the conditioner and start entering the plant when the tank is half full. Place tall plants on the back and small plants on the front of the tube. Vallisneria, and Hygrophila are sturdy plants that you can put in at the beginning, while being careful to lay out complicated plans like Cryptocoryne after a few months.


Enter the lighting and plug in the heater after the tank is full. Continue to check the temperature regularly and adjust the heat to the optimal level. Make sure that the pH and hardness of the water are suitable for the Fish varieties you will introduce in the Fish. If not, add the appropriate chemicals to modify the pH and hardness of the water.

Adding Fish

Add Fish such as tetras and strong spines to the tank when temperature, pH and hardness are optimal. Let the bag float in the tank water before removing the Fish gradually. Slowly clean the Fish from the bag and put it in the Aquarium. Cover thequarium. You can add new Fish after cycling gradually, at night so there are no problems between the old and new occupants of the Fish tank.

Tank Cycling

It takes around three to six weeks to cycle. Initially check the water condition at least two to three times a week. You can speed up the process by adding gravel or nitrification to the tank. Ammonia and nitrate levels rise in water after a few days so change half the water in the tank after one week and balance every third day for the first three weeks.

Add water

Clean the Aquarium with clean and fresh water without using any detergent. After cleaning properly, fill the Aquarium with water. If the Fish tank does not have a floating base, a placepolystyrene tile underneath to stop the bottom and sand from touching.

Use a new bucket to add water to the Aquarium to ensure that there are no pollutants that match the water. Add an adequate amount of air conditioner and maintain the temperature of the water to around 25 ° C or 76 ° F. Pour the water so that you do not disturb the gravel. Most people prefer to put living plants in an Aquarium and if you are in them, wash the plants properly to eliminate unwanted pests that can harm the Fish. Make sure you don't damage the roots in the process. Artificial plants also look natural and you can't even put them in with your sensitive water creatures.

Biological biology facilitates the maturation of the filter, so you can add it to water or directly to the filter. Store the condensation correctly, insert the fluorescent tube into the hood and place the tube so that it stays above the Aquarium. Monitor temperature and other conditions and let the water settle for 24 hours.

Preparing Your Aquarium for Fish

tropical freshwater fish aquarium

You have to adjust to the various needs of the Fish before raising it in an Aquarium. Fourth, save filters, Aquariums, and other equipment to keep it running like you do with Fish. Make sure you also turn off the light switch regularly. It is important to maintain the temperature of the Aquarium water. You must check the temperature after every 24 hours and adjust the heater as needed. While Fish waste has highammonia content, Fish cannot survive in water that containsammonia. Beneficial bacteria in the water convert ammonia to nitrite and then weaken it for Fish in the Aquarium.

Useful bacteria clean up the waste produced by Fish. So you have to wait for a week or two to let this bacterium grow and multiply before storing Fish in an Aquarium. Check the theammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and water pH contents.

Monitoring the pH of Aquarium water is just as important. You should check it every three or four days. The HPH content must be around pH 6.5 to pH 7.5 for the survival of intolerant species. When you make sure all the requirements of these sensitive creatures are provided correctly, introduce them with their new code. Use your test kits according to their instructions in this minimum period, to ensure you have the correct reading before introducing any Fish. You should also check the pH of your water. every three or four days the toensure remains stable. For communityAquarium-tolerant species, you should read pH 6.5 to pH 7.5.

Add Fish

tropical freshwater fish aquarium

It's important to ensure that everything that is right from the pH balance to the growth of beneficial bacteria is suitable enough for the Fish to survive before you put it in the Aquarium. Initially, introduce relatively more Fish species in the tank. Excreta produced by Fish will help in the multiplication of beneficial bacteria in the Aquarium.

Acclimatize the Fish before it is put into Aquarium water. Directly placing it directly from the bag into the water can shock aquatic animals and make them vulnerable to disease. The best way is to place the closed bag in the Aquarium for about 15 minutes before the temperature is equalized. Add a cup of the Aquarium to the bag and after a few minutes gently allow the small hordes to enter the Aquarium. Monitor the ammonia and nitrite levels of water for several days. Naturally, if the nitrite level will rise but make sure it is also controlled in a short span of time. This will ensure the growth rate of healthy bacteria in the water. When the level remains satisfactory and stable, you can add lots of colorful Fish to your Aquarium.

Remember not to overload the Aquarium. A freshwater Aquarium can accommodate Fish according to their size. Duplicate the length and width of the Aquarium in inches and divide by 12. The resulting number will tell you how many Fish you can store in the Aquarium. A small amount of food once a day is enough to keep the Fish alive. Don't over-feed your Fish because it can increase the concentration of waste products in the Aquarium so it can't be regulated. That can harm the Fish. If you still have problems with waterinside, you can replace 20% to 30% and add fresh water to it. Do not exceed this percentage because it can be fatal to Fish.

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